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Some Random Images

InSciDa Participants
Lao field team small.jpg

Field team in Laos for testing the acoustic drone that Filippo (left) and Frederico (2nd from left) made. Camille Coudrat, of Association Anoulak, is centre.

InSciDa Workshop at AIMS 2016

Worshop participants

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An interview for Methods in Ecology and Evolution about Continuous-time Spatial Capture-Recatpure, at the International Statistical Ecology Conference, 2014.

A short video about a collaboration with Hi Def Aerial Survey Ltd to develop methods to estimate numbers of marine mammals from aerial surveys.

An animation illustrating how acoustic capture histories are processed using SCR methods to infer the locations of frogs making the detected sounds, and the uncertainty in their location. (Turn sound on when watching.)

Animation created by John Measey

A talk about some of my research, given as part of the University of St Andrews "Saints Talk" series.

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